Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Greatest Email of the Year!

This morning there was a very special email in my inbox from On The Water In Maine. I’ve been waiting all year for this one. It begins like this:

“This is the email you have been waiting for! There are now 3 weeks or less until your vacation in Maine!”

Thus begins the happiest time of the year for Pam and her husband. Soon various staging areas will pop up around the house, mostly on the dining room table, as Pam begins to execute her meticulous packing protocols for the trip. The other day she laid out three new bathing suits on the bed, took a photograph, and sent it to me in a text with the words, “Ok, I’m packed and ready to go to Maine.” 

Lucy is getting hyped too. A couple of weeks ago I started reminding her that she would be heading to Maine soon. She always pays close attention when I mention the “M” word, so she is pumped.

This summer will be a little weird in that it will be the first time that neither of our kids will be there since…ever. Kaitlin and Jon will be on a trip to England/Scotland/Ireland celebrating their tenth wedding anniversary, and Patrick and Sarah will be coming up for our fall trip. We do have guests coming so we won’t be up there for six weeks by ourselves, but it will feel different without the kids. Different, but still freaking fabulous.

Here’s the plan: weeks one and two will find us at the enchanting Summer Dreams, one of our favorite camps on Quantabacook. I’ve lost count how many times we have stayed there, but its always delightful…

Yeah…that will do quite nicely. After two weeks of this, we will pack up all of our stuff and head to the other side of the lake for four more weeks at a place we have never stayed before, Fernwood Cottage. A word of explanation seems in order since regular readers of this space will be wondering why we aren’t staying at our beloved Loon Landing. Well, it seems that the owners of that property decided (without consulting me!!) that they will be staying at LL for the entire summer!! The nerve! Fortunately, Tif and Meg, the dynamic duo at OTWIM came to our rescue with this property…

I think we will manage.

So, in a mere 21 days we will depart Short Pump for six weeks in Maine where seldom is heard a discouraging word and the skies are not cloudy all day. At least that’s the plan.

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