Friday, June 14, 2024

Like a Child…

This photograph was taken on July 7, 2019. It was 8:30 in the evening after a long delightful day of fishing, kayaking and lounging on floats in the cool water of Quantabacook. I was standing on the deck at Loon Landing, and took this picture with my cellphone. I remember walking out to that chair on the dock after I took the picture. I watched the sky travel through the stages of light until it was finally just an orange flame just above the tree line across the way. I watched the water bugs dancing on the water’s surface making it look like it was sprinkling rain. I heard the hum of insects high in the pines on the shore behind me, then the plaintive call of loons coming from the southern end of the lake. It was a cool night. I wore long sleeves

This is not an uncommon sight on Quanty. Happens all the time. It’s one reason we hesitate to make plans that involve leaving for too long in the evenings. We don’t want to miss it, even though it seems we have had a front row seat for this majesty hundreds of times. It doesn’t grow old. We never get accustomed to these sunsets. They always manage to leave us breathless. I never want to be the guy for whom looking upon this kind of beauty becomes passé. I always want to feel a bit like a child on Christmas morning when this happens.

Don’t you?


  1. Absolutely 👍

  2. The Lake experience is hard to describe in words
    I think you’ve done it 😊
