Thursday, June 6, 2024

News About “A Life of Dreams”

It doesn’t seem possible but it’s been an entire month since the launch party for A Life of Dreams. Many of you have contacted me to let me know how much you enjoyed the story. Others have taken the time to write a review. Both have meant the world to me as I navigate the tricky waters of being a first-time author. At 66, I’m not accustomed to being a rookie at anything, so this has been an adventure.

For all of you who ordered a hardcover, I have news. I am told that they are scheduled to be shipped the week of the 10th of June. That’s next week!! This means that I will be hustling to get all of them in the hands of their rightful owners before Pam and I leave for Maine on the 21st of June. This printing fiasco has been the only hiccup of the publication process…but what a disaster! Hopefully when they finally arrive they won’t have 25 pages of someone else’s book sandwiched somewhere inside!

For your edification, the book is now for sale on three major outlets in addition to my website…

Barnes & Noble, Kindle, and Amazon. If you are one of the kind folks who wrote a review, it would be wonderful if you placed it on all three sites. 

So far I have no idea how the thing is selling, and I won’t know until the first week of July when the first sales report is generated. I’m cautiously optimistic.


  1. Enjoyed the novel .Once I started reading could not put it down!!

  2. I couldn't put it down once I started reading. Good job cuz.Finished it on the first day of vacation.
