Thursday, June 13, 2024

Sneaky Self Awareness

Sometimes self awareness sneaks up on you. This was the case a few minutes ago after I posted about the Independent Book Review I received yesterday. When I happened to scroll down through my feed it dawned on me just how much of a one trick pony I have become lately. Practically everything I’ve posted has had something to do with the book. I suppose it’s understandable but still a bit off-putting. So, I will seek to remedy this by switching themes. Instead of bombarding you with all things A Life of Dreams, I will begin very shortly to beat you guys over the head with all things Maine for the next six weeks or so.

Pam and I are in the home stretch of Maine-prep. Each day we are able to check more items off the to-do list. We have now officially entered the check Maine 10 day weather forecast every five minutes phase. (Hint: it’s cooler.). Pam’s car has been cleaned and inspected. The staging areas around the house have started to form. Meanwhile, over at the Friends of Quantabacook Facebook page we are getting teased with photographs.

Totally unfair, but what can you do?

So, consider yourselves warned. This space is about to be transformed into all Maine, all the time Blog. For this I make no apolgies.

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