Thursday, June 6, 2024

Is It Just Me?

Ok, I need to know something. Is it just me or is the same thing happening to you?? Two days ago, around 6:30 in the morning when I opened my iPad my Facebook feed was crawling with what has seemed like a thousand ads for every weed-infused consumable product you can imagine. And it was not just Facebook. Instagram was the same way. At first there must have been a dozen different brands of cannabis laced seltzer water in every flavor known to man. They were all pitched as alternatives to alcohol—“Great buzz without the hangover!!”

Then today it was gummies—hundreds of varieties of chewable weed with clever names and the promises of something called guilt-free euphoria. I swear today I’ve lost count of the competing brand names. It’s like all of a sudden the hemp business went on a date with a Madison Avenue ad man and BAMM!!
Each of these ads reminds me that their products are “legal in 46 states” but do come with the warning that if you use the gummies or drink their seltzer water you will not pass a drug test.

So, what’s the deal? Have you guys noticed this over the past few days, or am I being targeted by an out of control algorithm? 

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