Friday, October 25, 2019

A Beautiful Thing

Today is going to be crazy. I can just feel it. You ever wake up and think, uh-oh, something’s up? Yeah, me neither. But this morning it was like that for me. I looked at the small digital time display across the room, the one I now have to squint to read, and saw that it was 4:59. I noticed that Lucy had slept through the night without the need to go outside with the squirts. There she was, stretched out to her full length at the foot of the bed like she owns the place—which she kinda does. I patted her on her sweet head and said, “little Miss Lucy,” which reminded me of the nursery rhyme, little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet eating her...which naturally morphed into:

An army led by Miss Muffet fails to arrive in Syria. Apparently there were Kurds in her way.

Once downstairs, I began searching for this morning’s jokes for my friend. Found a couple of decent ones:

How come the Hong Kong Police get up so early?

So they can beat the crowds.

Did you hear about the new movie they are making about a visitor from outer space who has three balls?

It’s called ET the extra-testicle.

What do you call a depressed vegetable?

A despairagus.

Then, it occurs to me that tonight the city of Washington will be hosting it’s first World Series game since 1933. That ballpark is going to be a madhouse. Win or lose, it will be an event. I will watch every pitch. I will yell at the home plate umpire for either A. Squeezing the strike zone or B. Calling pitches six inches off the plate strikes. I will bemoan each National batter who swings at ball four in the dirt. I will scare the be-jeezies out of Lucy every time I let out a wild shout whenever one of the good guys gets a clutch hit. I will delight in every gut wrenching moment, realizing that I may never get to see this again in my lifetime. I’m so excited I can hardly stand it. Nothing that comes my way today will have the power to dampen my enthusiasm for tonight’s game, even the fact that I have to complete my Broker-Dealer’s annual on-line compliance questionnaire, an hour and a half slow walk through the hell’s half acre of the internet. I will persevere. I will forge ahead with confidence knowing that I hold in my hand a ticket to Game Three of the World Series. I will be sitting in the climate controlled comfort of my living room, eating something delicious and sipping my golden beverage of choice, firing off texts to several like-minded buddies. It’s going to be a beautiful thing.

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