Thursday, August 8, 2019

A Raging Success

Yesterday’s little social media experiment was a raging success and confirmed something I have always known about this world. It can be summed up in just two sells.

Here are the numbers. In a mere 24 hours, you people have clicked on Sex at 60 more than you clicked on my last five posts...combined. The traffic at The Tempest has skyrocketed by 156%. And all I had to do is something I have never done in the previous 1,968 posts going back nine years...include the word sex in the title!! The next time you’re asking yourself why every advertisement you see on television seems to feature scantily clad women (and men)...just remember this experiment. The reason is works.

Does this mean that I am going to start writing more about sex? Not a snowball’s chance in Hades. Pam didn’t get around to looking at Facebook until five minutes before she had to leave for a dentist appointment. I don’t have to tell you what happened to her blood pressure when she stumbled across that title!! Luckily, I wasn’t around when it happened. But something tells me that a rare expletive may have escaped her lips. Bless her heart....the things she has to endure being married to me...

So, I suppose I should apologize to all of you for such an immature and childish prank. What am I saying? All I did is give you the opportunity to prove what a bunch of voyeurs you all are! I’m thinking that all of you should apologize to me for being so interested in my sex life!!

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