Sunday, August 11, 2019

Jeffrey Epstein

For the life of me, I have not been able to summon a single molecule of sympathy for the death of my fellow human being, Jeffrey Epstein. The alleged billionaire, who seemed to be in the perceived influence business, rather than an actual business, and made his money really knows how or even how much money he made. What we do know is that Jeffrey Epstein was a horrible person who recruited underage girls for his own servicing, then provided them for the sexual gratification of a bushel basket full of very powerful men from both sides of the political aisle. In other words, he was the rich man’s pimp. The list of alleged Johns includes some familiar names...Former New Mexico Governor and frequent talking head Bill Richardson, smarty-pants lawyer Alan Dershowitz, Prince Andrew, former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell, and of course former President Bill Clinton, a four time passenger on Epstein’s famous private jet, The Lolita Express. Even the current occupant of the White House appears on the passenger manifest from 1997...but in fairness, that was back when he was just your basic garden variety skirt-chasing adulterer, and before he found Jesus and the keys to the Oval Office.

So yeah...he’s dead now, by highly suspicious means. Whenever a man with that much damning information on so many powerful men turns up dead, it is perfectly natural to question the official suicide narrative. Within thirty minutes of the news breaking, the internet meme curators were having a field day...

Yes...this is hilarious. But any attempt to paint this as a partisan issue are doomed to failure. Once we make it through the 2000 pages of unsealed garbage that was dumped onto the public record over the weekend, the carnage from this thing will be a Who’s Who of powerful and well, and probably a few women. There will be plenty of Democrats, plenty of Republicans, and plenty of non-political members of America’s social elite. As if we needed reminding...this mess will once again serve to illustrate just how corrupting money and power remain.

The sad part about all of this? Because of Mr. Epstein’s death, almost all of these scumbags will get off scot-free. Whether he jumped or was pushed, not only did Jeffrey Epstein cheat the hangman for himself, but he cheated the hangman for all of his customers too.

How convenient.

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