Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Sex at 60

This morning I thought I would share with you all how my sex life has been going since I turned 60. Some things have changed, but others have stayed the same, and...

Just Kidding!!!

But, it did make you click on this blog post...which might say a lot more about you than me! Actually, this is a topic that has fascinated me for the past nine years that I have been writing this blog...not my sex life...but rather, what exactly is it that people want to read about? I have written nearly 2,000 posts over these past nine years about every conceivable topic. But it has always baffled me why some posts, no matter how well written and heartfelt, draw scant interest, while others...even those poorly cobbled together...get clicked nearly to death. Looking back over the archives, here’s what I have discovered. When it comes to The Tempest, people are intrigued by certain topics and indifferent to others. Here’s what generally fires you up:


You may think you hate politics, and you probably do, but you sure love reading about it. Whenever I offer up some screed about Trump, and before him Obama, I can count on a much larger and invigorated readership. Some read for confirmation, others to get angry at my wrong headed opinions. We might hate politics, but we love...hating it!

If somebody dies or is in danger of dying and I write about it, you guys are all in.

Whenever I have anything to say about some horrible act of violence like a mass shooting, people want to know what I think. That’s not accurate really. What we all really want to know is what to feel and how to feel about these terrible events. Reading my take on it maybe helps people sort out their own ideas and emotions. Regardless, people are drawn to the topic.

If I relay a story about either my dog or anybody’s dog, people want to hear about it. This is easy to explain. Dogs never disappoint us.

Here are the topics that, more or less, you don’t care to read about:


No matter what the sport, football, basketball, golf...not interested. Maybe this speaks to the average age and gender of this audience. Or maybe I’m just a crappy sports writer!

Nobody wants to read about theological debates, whether it be abortion, gay marriage, works v grace, etc. Again, it may just be that I don’t know how to write about those topics well, or maybe people would rather not think deep thoughts over their morning coffee!

People tire quickly reading of someone else’s frolicking great time on vacation. The reasons require no explanation.

So, there you have it, a little behind the curtain look at what you guys like and don’t like about this blog. Of course, the topics I choose to write about take none of this into consideration. I write about what interests me, not what I think interests you. No offense...but it’s my blog!

Can’t wait to see (and hear!) Pam’s reaction when she reads the title of this one!!!

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