Monday, August 5, 2019

This Fallen World

So, its been almost five weeks since I’ve darkened the door of my office. My expectations for today are minimal and include:

- When I distribute the gifts I bought for the girls in the office, I hope I can remember where their offices are.
- I sincerely hope that I can remember how to work the copier

The one thing I always dread most of all is getting reacquainted with what is going on, not just in the world of finance, but in the world at large. People have a hard time believing me when I tell them that I completely unplug from the news when I’m on vacation...but it’s true. Its a feature of my time away, not a bug. It is purposeful. I figure that if some earth shattering event were to have taken place while I was away, I would eventually hear about it when I returned home anyway, so why stew over it while I am recharging my emotional batteries? In the past four weeks I have not read one single word about Donald Trump. No news of the Democrats in Congress has been able to break through the firewall of my news ban. I have learned about no fresh new debauchery from Hollywood, no soul crushing betrayal of trust from corporate America. The only snippet of news which is allowed access is Major League Baseball.

So, yesterday morning the first thing I read about is the mass killings in El Paso and Dayton. Sigh...

I’m back...and so, apparently, is the fallen world.

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