Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Christmas Cards

I just heard over the police scanner that a midget fortune teller just robbed a bank

The dispatcher said there was a small medium at large...

What’s the difference between a Harley and a Hoover?

The position of the dirt bag...

What's the definition of Baroque?

That’s when you run out of Monet...

You would think that my elegant and festive surroundings this morning would inspire better writing. But, you would be wrong. Instead, the pictures above serve as evidence of how busy Pam and I have been over the past couple of days. Patrick and Sarah and their gorgeous pup, Frisco, are on the road from Nashville today. Tomorrow, Kaitlin and Jon and their lovable doofus, Jackson, will hit the interstates toward Short Pump. This morning, I am taking Lucy over to Petsmart for her Christmas grooming appointment. She insists on looking her absolute best for guests. Just in case anyone wonders if we are the sort of family who lavishes Christmas gifts on their dogs...

What a ridiculous question. Of course!! Each of them have their own stocking. What are we supposed to do? All three of them have been so very good this year!

I love what Pam does with the Christmas cards we get every year. Normally, this is a metal decoration that spells out the word welcome. She takes each card and slides it into the iron work. I don’t know about you all, but this year these cards have meant more somehow. We have looked at each one more closely. These are all from people we love, many of whom we haven’t seen in person for quite a while thanks to this insufferable pandemic. There are family photographs from recent weddings. We smile when we see their faces. When Pam opens these cards its always the same reaction, “Aww, what a beautiful family! I love this so much!!” She then hands them to me and I smile too. We are thankful for each family represented on our wall, and more grateful this year than ever for receiving each and every one.

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