Monday, December 7, 2020

Christmas Town...a Beautiful but Bizarre Little Town

A new personal record for waking up early in the books this morning, as I rolled out of the rack wide awake at 3:20. After emptying the dish washer, brewing some coffee, and making sure the world hadn’t completely gone to hell while I slept, it was only 4:00. Needless to say, I had some time on my hands. I took the time to post a video of Main Street in Christmas Town on Facebook. The townspeople arrived yesterday, and immediately, downtown was bustling. But, Christmas Town is more than just downtown. So I thought I’d let you guys see some of the neighborhoods in this fascinating place.

This is the home of  Fred and Millicent Stanwick who live in the fashionable Brevers Village Subdivision, so exclusive it has its own newspaper. The kid on the left is Tommy Snodgrass, who has been waiting all morning for his chance to throw that piece of firewood at the paperboy, Billy Dunlop. Tommy and Billy have been feuding ever since Kindergarten.

Nobody can figure out how George and Gladys Glotzbach get their kids to shovel the snow, but there they are every year slaving away while Mom and Dad do God knows what inside where it’s nice and warm. I mean, is there no child protective services in Christmas Town?

Ahh yes, the Leibovitz family. Malcontents. Always trying to sell the place and move out of Christmas Town. They think they are too good for the local rubes.

Snow angels, indeed!! The Wilson kids are the two biggest hellions in town. Constantly starting trouble, getting in fights. It is rumored that the boy, Butch, is into drugs.

There’s a skating pond on the edge of town. Butch, taking advantage of no adult supervision, just knocked little Billy Dunlop on his ass then skated off with his girlfriends. Kid’s nothing but trouble!

Just outside the city limits there’s the old Dixon cabin. No electricity, no plumbing—note the outhouse out back—and once again old man Dixon sends his kids out to chop wood for the stove. I think this town has a problem with child labor laws. It’s rumored that those two bears hanging out on the porch are domesticated. Nobody is quite sure what a giant battery case is doing propped up on the roof, but the Dixons are hicks so nobody asks too many questions...

Quiet street. Really smart zoning, putting the library and the hospital side by side.

But then, there’s this. The church, a daycare place and the dang high school jammed together like sardines. So weird. Also notice that yet again the adults of Christmas Town are nowhere to be found, even in the front yard of a day care center where kids are out playing in the freezing cold!

Much has been made of the lack of ethnic diversity in Christmas Town, so it was with great excitement that the local Chamber of Commerce announced a new exotic Chinese restaurant was coming to town. Unfortunately, 2020 was a bad time to introduce Asian cuisine to the citizens of Christmas Town during a pandemic with roots in Wuhon, China. But it did celebrate its first customer the other day...but the couple had to drive all the way from New York City.

Maybe the fact that the local doughnut shop is literally attached to the police station explains why you never see cops anywhere in town.

So, there you have it, a quick tour of Christmas Town where kids do all the work, there is always snow on the ground and literally nothing is to scale.

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