Monday, November 4, 2019

Ten Things I’m Tired Of

At 6:00 in the morning on Monday the 4th of November, in the year of our Lord 2019, here is a short list of some things that I am tired of:

I’m tired of mean people. I’m just over self-centered narcissistic people who treat their fellow human beings with rudeness. I’m not saying that I am never guilty of this behavior because I am from time to time. But when it happens to me I instantly know it and feel contrite and usually rush to make amends. I’m talking about people for whom rudeness is a way of life, people who’s default personality trait is meanness. Enough already. Bring back manners.

I’m tired of advertising that seeks to convince us that we can’t be happy and fulfilled unless we buy the newest, shiniest, top of the line innovation available. In other words, I’m tired of all advertising. I’ve lived long enough, and enjoyed enough financial success to know that it’s all a lie. Things can’t fulfill you. It’s impossible. Seeking and striving after the latest, greatest thing is a recipe for perpetual discontent.

I’m tired of politics, politicians, and those who enable them by believing that they have the power to transform anything.

I’m tired of seeing social media arguments about hymns v praise choruses. Seriously, Christians? This is what we’re debating in 2019?

I’m tired of trying to figure out the right answer to every single hot button social issue of the day. Honestly, I don’t think it’s humanly possible to know the right way to think on everything. There are just going to be things this side of eternity that I don’t understand and will never understand. And, that’s ok. But, precisely because I don’t know the right answer to everything, I need to choose grace and humility towards people who might have different views. Some things need to be left in God’s hands. Let him sort it out. Meanwhile, be kind to people.

I’m tired of our celebrity culture. The adulation we heap upon famous people is disgusting. Watching my fellow Americans trying to look like, dress like, and act like celebrities is profoundly embarrassing.

I’m tired of greed in all of its forms. The salaries of many corporate executives are an outrage, and often do great harm to the financial integrity of the companies they lead. The vast fortunes that even the lowliest Congressmen build while ostensibly devoting their lives to public service is a joke. The money that gets thrown at athletes is obscene considering the fact that the cumulative effect of their salaries has made it next to impossible for a family of four to attend a game without taking out a home equity line. I understand the complexities involved in setting the proper price for goods and services in a free society, but when a CEO makes 50 million in a year when his company loses money and lays off a thousand workers, when a Congressman who makes $175,000 a year ends up with a net worth of 20 million after three terms in Congress, when you start paying utility infielders 9 million dollars a year...something has gone off the rails.

I’m tired of diva wide receivers. Actually, just tired of pro football.

I’m tired of Christmas junk appearing in stores before Halloween.

I’m tired of squirrels and their insistence on existing.

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