Monday, July 29, 2024

L’affair Lord’s Supper

Woke up early this morning, around 5:30. It was gray outside, a stiff breeze stirring around a fine mist, a very cool feeling 60 degrees. It’s supposed to be this way for a couple days, high temperature only 71. I quickly decided against shorts and a T-shirt, instead opting for my only long-sleeve shirt and a pair of black pants. As is always the case I’ve put on a bit of weight since I’ve been in Maine and I desperately need a haircut. Maybe we will head in to Belfast or Camden and putz around some today.

So, I suppose I should have something to say about the great Last Supper controversy, since it seems every one else in the world has an opinion. As a Christian the consensus seems to be that I should be offended and scandalized. But as a Christian I have had to endure the likes of Jimmy Swaggard, Jim and Tammy Faye Baker, the Catholic priesthood, and the following images that pop up on my Facebook feed every five minutes…

So for me to be offended and scandalized would take a miracle at this point.

I did not see the Last Supper send up live. The TV was on in the background because Pam loves watching the Olympics opening ceremonies, and I was reading. But even she didn’t notice at first. Apparently the entire first few minutes were tres weird, even for the French, lots of sexually charged themes and such. It wasn’t until the next morning when we both discovered what a huge mess had been stirred up not only here but around the world. So, we were both forced to revisit the scene via YouTube. There it was, an obese woman with a halo standing in for Jesus, surrounded by a Star Wars bar scene collection of transsexuals(?) on her left and right, then this blue guy comes out wearing nothing but vines or something, which was suppose to represent some long forgotten Greek God. It was maybe 30 seconds long…maybe.

This is 2024. It’s the French Olympic Games. The nation of France turned its back on Christianity long, long ago. The latest numbers suggest that roughly 1-2% of the French population identifies as Christian.. But it’s not just Christianity. Very few Frenchman consider themselves believers in ANY religion. I would guess that with the surge of immigration at play in France that the most popular religion at this point is Islam. Which brings me to the only strong feeling I can muster about this Last Supper thing. People who consider themselves uber progressive, and by this I mean the far left, humanist, artistic community love to think of themselves as cutting edge, the brave, enlightened few who are constantly pushing the envelope. But, thats not what this was, not even close. This was the very safest thing a French radical could do—insulting Christians. What I want to see the next time there are 1 billion people watching on television—I want to see some brave, progressive, avant guard artist do an irreverent send up of the prophet Mohammed. Try mocking Islam. See how that works out for ya. Oh, my bad, the French already tried that. Poor Samuel Paty and the newspaper Charlie Hebdo found out the hard way what happens when you mock the Prophet.

But getting back to the Last Supper. I find it hard to be offended by the French. If I had been in charge of programming the Paris Opening Ceremonies I wouldn’t have included any of the weird stuff I saw. But, I’m not in charge. This Olympic Games belongs to France. They get to choose how they wish to portray their nation and culture to the world. This was what they chose. I was not offended, nor was I scandalized. I am made of a little more sterner stuff than that

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