Friday, July 12, 2024

Decisions, Decisions

Ok, some big decisions are going to need to be made today with regards to tomorrow, Saturday, July 13th, 2024. So far, the only thing that has been firmly established is the time for me to pickup our donut order at Ruckus Donuts in Rockland. That would be 7:30am. You read that right…this is a donut order, one that had to be placed on or before 7:30 this morning for pickup 24 hours later. This is a supply and demand phenomenon, this Ruckus Donuts outfit.

But, after our donuts there’s a universe of entertainment options available to us. All we have to do is prioritize them, do a cost/benefit analysis and make a command decision. Here are just a few of our options:

1. The North Atlantic Blues Festival in Rockland, Maine. This prestigious event will be headlined by Buckwheat Zydeco. I mean, how many chances are you gonna get to hear him??

2. The Moxie Festival at Beaver Park up in Lisbon, Maine. This event celebrates a truly horrible tasting soft drink indigenous to Maine…

Lest you dismiss this as not a viable option for our entertainment dollars, I probably should mention that there will be a…

3. Union Fair’s Maine Wild Blueberry Festival. How many times can I miss this?

4. Lincolnville’s Strawberry Festival and Parade. Last year we saw this parade and made the ghastly mistake of thinking we had time to head into Camden for breakfast first before attending the festival. Unfortunately, by the time we made it back to Lincolnville every single strawberry and every derivative dish featuring strawberries had been completely sold out.

5. Searsmont Library Book Fair and Sale. I love books, and Searsmont is our hometown of sorts here in Maine so shouldn’t charity begin at home?

Of course, as is nearly always the case, the weather forecast for tomorrow calls for gorgeous lake conditions. This just makes this decision all that much more difficult since it introduces a sixth viable option…

6. The “Lay around on floats on the lake all day soaking up the sun” Festival on Quantabacook Lake, or LAOFOTLADSUTS Day, as we like to call it. It features lazy white folks doing nothing productive while their dog swims in circles around them. Lunch will most likely come from Fraternity Village General store since none of the aforementioned white folks are industrious enough to actually make something.

So…what should we do? We are open to suggestions.

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