Friday, July 19, 2024

Birthday Girl

Today is Pam’s birthday. I can hardly remember a time when we have been anywhere other than Maine to celebrate it and it’s just as well. I shopped for her presents in town yesterday. Hope she likes what I bought.

She started the day the way she always does up here, with her 7:30 kayak paddle…

She slips out of our little cove and disappears around the corner and doesn’t return until around 9 or so. What she does out there every morning is anyone’s guess. When I kayak its to fish. With Pam its more like she’s surveying her kingdom, checking up on the loons or something. When she gets back this morning there will be a pancake breakfast waiting for her courtesy of Ron and Paula. Then Paula will be taking her out for a shopping trip to the little red store in Lincolnville Center. Tonight we have a reservation outside at Fresh & Company. To honor her, God has presented us with the best weather day since we arrived four weeks ago. It was 60 degrees this morning at 6:00 and the high temperature today will be 80 with no humidity and light winds—finally—from the north!

I have known her since she was 10 years old, fell in love with this stunning blue-eyed beauty over 40 years ago when she looked like this. Can you blame me? But when you fall in love with someone you take a big risk, right? You fall in love with a person at a point in time, the person they are then. But, the risk you take is —what happens if the person they become ends up being horrible? After all, people don’t just stop growing and evolving as they age. Suppose the person you fall in love with evolves into a selfish, arrogant monster. I exaggerate but only a little. I mean, all of us are essentially under construction, a process that never truly ends. But in this regard I needn’t have worried. Pam is a better human being today than she was when I fell in love with her. I hope I am too, but that jury is still out.

So, the happiest of birthdays to this incredible human being!

1 comment:

  1. Such a nice tribute and wonderful way to feel
