Monday, July 1, 2024

Here’s What We’ve Been Up To

Now that we are firmly ensconced into Week Two here in Maine it would be a fair question to ask—What have we been doing? Well, aside from an unscheduled emergency room visit, things have gone swimmingly… see what I did there? When you’re up here you have lots of time to hone your dad joke skills.

So, there have been a few highlights. First, our introduction to a new place to get fat—Ruckus Donuts in Rockland, Maine.

These babies take five hours to make from scratch, taste like heaven, and the owners promise to give you 25% off your first bypass operation.

Last night Pam and I had a delightful sunset paddle. It’s been quite windy here since we arrived but last night the breeze tapered off just in time for a sunset show.

We even got a glimpse of a rainbow.

As sunsets go here on Quantabacook, this one was nothing special, but it was so peaceful out there on the water watching the changing colors, listening to the loons and watching Pam in her element.

Of course, Lucy and I have had many long conversations about life…

She does this a lot. She will see me seated in a chair and immediately plop herself across my lap where she expects me to tell her what a good girl she is. After I have sufficiently extolled her many virtues for ten minutes or so she plops down and goes about her business. We also take naps together…

Yeah, so that about covers it. We eat delicious food, we spend lots of time in and on the water, we take naps, read books, fish, Pam does cross-stitch and we talk about things.

Just living the lake life.

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