Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Hard Choices

I have been informed by my creditors that I will not be given a six week grace period on paying my bills, this after intense debate with them over the fairness of charging me for electricity while I’m not even living in the house. Unfortunately, Big Utility won the argument so I must spend the morning paying them along with a host of other unused products and services I continue to be billed for while I am away. The struggle is real.

In other news, yesterday was our most glorious weather of the trip and today promises more of the same. High temperature 79, very low humidity with sunny skies and diminished winds. Ideal conditions exist for fishing, kayaking, swimming and anything else it is possible to do legally while out of doors. The only thing that will be missing are our kids. Kaitlin and Jon aren’t here because this summer is their 10th wedding anniversary and they have a big trip planned to the British Isles in store for much of July. Meanwhile, Patrick and Sarah just celebrated their 6th anniversary spending a long weekend in Philadelphia. They plan to visit us when we are up here for four weeks in the Fall. So it turns out that our kids have lives of their own. Although this revelation has been disappointing to us we are told that it is totally natural and in fact healthy. Whatever…

At some point very soon Pam and I are going to come up with the resolve necessary to actually drive into town for dinner at a restaurant. One would think we would have done so already. First of all, we’ve been here for eleven days now and second of all, Camden and Belfast are packed with so many fine eateries, an embarrassment of culinary riches. All it requires of us is the effort it takes to come inside, take a shower, get properly dressed and pick a restaurant. So far this has seemed like a daunting task to us. It sounds like such hard work and it would require pro-active decision making on our part. This isn’t nearly as easy at it appears at first glance. Feel like Italian food? Well, there’s Ports of Italy and Delvino’s. Try making that decision! Or maybe you’re thinking seafood. There are only a half dozen great places to decide between. Good luck. Then, there’s the lake. If we leave here to go into town for dinner it would be just like Quantabacook to put on a light show of a sunset while we’re gone, and we would miss it! Either that or a dozen loons would show up in our cove and perform an hour long concert in our absence. I mean…do we risk it?

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