Sunday, November 22, 2020

Nostalgia and the Big Move

In the Beginning . . .

After much badgering from my family and with crucial technological help from them I am launching this Blog.  It is my intention to record my observations about life as they come to me and as I am  inspired to write. The subjects will cover a broad range of topics from minor daily frustrations to the more profound issues of government, politics and religion. I claim no special wisdom or educational credentials. I am simply a college educated business owner with a wife, kids and a mortgage who happens to have a large library. With all that reading comes the conceit that I might be smarter than the average bear and maybe the world could benefit from my insights. However, having just written that sentence it occurs to me just how vain it sounds so ...I take it back. The world will do perfectly fine without my brilliance. 

  I feel it only fair to declare my biases at the beginning of this adventure.  I am 52, an unapologetic baseball fan, suspicious of anything "big" such as BIG business, BIG government, BIG deals...all are inherently dangerous, a lover of family and being a father, passionate about dogs, especially golden retrievers like Molly.  I also love music that is well written and well performed as it is one of the few things that has the power to bring me to tears.  My personal tastes range from classical through earlier country through the blues and rock and roll and then abruptly end at disco and rap.  Its as if music died with the Beatles..although Ben Folds is clever and there are random contemporary artists that I enjoy. I also much prefer the company of younger people to older ones. On subjects political I lean Libertarian..on matters religious I am Christian.  

So that about covers the biases.  Keep these in mind as you read the many opinionated rants to come.

Above is the very first post in The Tempest, published ten years ago. Amazing and quite encouraging that so much of it is still true, with the glaring exception of the fact that I am no longer 52. Alert readers will notice the smaller font size. My eyes worked better then!

On this Lord’s day Pam and I are leaving for Columbia, South Carolina to spend the week moving Kaitlin and Jon into their first house! Thanksgiving will be a working vacation. But we are indeed thankful for them both and excited to be able to help. Pictures to follow!

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