Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Lucy the Lunatic

I haven’t written about my dog, Lucy the Lunatic, in a while. That’s not because she hasn’t done anything interesting, more like there have been other things crowding her out. But, exactly a week out from the Election seems like a good time to get you all caught up on the status of her mental health, which I can faithfully report is largely unchanged. She remains a lunatic.

Lucy is throughly enjoying having Bernadette living here. Actually, it would be more accurate to say that she has enjoyed having Bernadette’s boyfriend here. Whenever Bern comes home, Lucy gives her the welcome home jiggles for 15 seconds or so. But when Isaac shows up she goes into full scale pandemonium. Still, Lucy loves people, so the more the merrier.

We have advised Bernadette that she should place a gate in front of her bedroom door whenever she leaves the house to prevent Lucy from pilfering her belongings, as she has been known to do from time to time. But, every once in a while she forgets. When she does, the following happens...every single time:

This has been a long time habit. We have never figured out the purpose of this particular idiosyncrasy. Is it some sort of hoarding instinct? Why only one sock? Who knows? All I know is that whenever she gets the opportunity Lucy will carefully remove one sock from wherever we left it and take it with her to our bedroom and place it on the bed. That’s it. She doesn’t destroy it. She merely removes it from the shoe or the floor, places it softly in her mouth, then relocates it to our bed. Sometimes she parades by us to show us what she is doing before finishing the job. Bernadette has learned the hard way. She has found one of her socks missing on many occasions since she has lived here, finding them near Pam’s pillow on our bed every single time. If there are any dog psychologists out there who can clue us in as to what to make of this behavior, I would appreciate it. A few days ago she added a new twist. I had left my Cappy’s hat on the floor beside my recliner the other night. When I went to retrieve it, it was nowhere to be found. Then I walked into our bedroom and there was Lucy taking a nap...and my Cappy’s hat right next to my pillow.

Lucy the Lunatic strikes again...

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