Monday, February 26, 2024

Special Delivery!!

I was told by my publisher that I would be getting the final proof copy of A Life of Dreams from the printer soon. They said it would probably take a couple of weeks, but it would be delivered through the US Postal Service. Well, guess what I found in the mailbox twenty minutes ago??

I must admit that my heart beat a bit faster when I saw the package. When I got it inside and held it in my hands, well…it was a pretty cool feeling. What’s so hard to believe is that this one was written over ten years ago. The idea came to me while I was at Best Buy watching a poker tournament on a huge wall of television screens. It must have been on fifty screens at the same time and as I watched the idea popped into my head—Wonder what it would be like to have a super intuitive gift to always win at games of chance? How might having such a gift change a person? Would it ultimately be seen as a gift or an curse? Now, ten years later, I’m sitting here holding a book in my hands that sprang from that ever so brief experience.

So cool. And so terrifying. Suppose people hate it? Suppose it flops? 

Regardless, it’s done. I did it.

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