Thursday, June 22, 2023

The Countdown Has begun

The Dunnevant household is now official in countdown mode. We both have long to-do lists to navigate over the next 7 days. In all honesty, Pam’s list is longer than mine, even though she will spend most of next week at the beach with my family, while I get in a few more days of work at the office. Here’s the plan…

Pam heads to Hatteras on Saturday. Thursday morning of next week she drives back to Short Pump. When she arrives around noon, she will throw a load of laundry in the wash while unpacking and repacking the car. When the car is ready, we gather up Lucy and leave Short Pump somewhere around 4-ish and drive as far as we can without falling asleep, maybe as far as Scranton, Pa. Then Friday morning we hit the road early and hopefully arrive on the shores of Quantabacook around 4:00 in the afternoon. We pulled off a similar schedule a couple years ago so we know it can be done. I’m just hoping we don’t have a repeat of last year when after two days of driving I managed to throw my back out while unloading the car a mere thirty minutes after arrival!! The only one of us who will have zero difficulty surviving this two day trip will be Lucy. She will curl up in her cramped space and sleep 90% of the way, then bound out of the car fresh as a daisy when she says the lake. Pam and I don’t exactly bound out of anything these days. For us its more like we attempt to unfold our stiff and creaking bodies like rusty pocket knives, then spend ten minutes stretching trying to restore feeling to our extremities. But, its all worth it. Every sore muscle, every frayed nerve is simply a means to a marvelous end. After unloading the car and setting up the kitchen I’ll drive over to Fraternity General Store to pick up a pizza and say hello to Amanda. That night we will sleep like babies. When we wake up Saturday morning it will dawn on us that we are finally in Maine. Hopefully our first full day will be sunny and inviting. But if not that’s ok. We have six full weeks. The weather always sorts itself out. I hear the lake is high this year from all the spring rain. That means the fishing will be incredible. I also hear that there’s a new and improved boardwalk in Camden down by the harbor master’s shack. We’ll have to check that out on our first trip to town…

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