Monday, June 19, 2023

My Wonderful Fathers Day Weekend

My Father’s Day weekend featured a visit from these people. The two grownups on the left are my daughter and her husband while the two grownups on the right are their best friends from Columbia, Matt and Bailey Wolfer. The two boys belong to them, from left to right, Theo and Milo. A wonderful time was had by all. However, once they all left we both took long and disorienting naps, the kind where when you wake up you’re convinced that you have a paper due in the morning, despite the fact that you graduated from college over 40 years ago!

Its hard not to get the impression that you were considered a potential problem by all parties, when your wife hides your BB gun in the garage two hours before the arrival of our guests. Then once the Wolfer’s arrived, Bailey the Mom spends the first thirty minutes smiling nervously while giving you the side eye. What could my daughter possibly have told this poor child about her father? I thought I would break the ice by suggesting the educational opportunities that witnessing a squirrel murder or two might offer to the boys. Nervous smile firmly in place she says, “No, no. I’m sure the time and place for that will eventually come but this weekend is not either.” Or, words to that effect.

Despite having to overcome the clearly prejudiced houseguests, it wasn’t long before we were all having a blast. Friday night featured an opportunity to school young Matthew in the fine art of cooking meat on a Weber grill. Matt’s grill of choice apparently is something he literally picked up on the side of the road, so witnessing the miracle of fire harnessed for the Godly purpose of grilling hamburgers was quite the eye-opener. 

Saturday was jam packed with outdoor and indoor activities featuring loads of sugary treats. The boys soon embraced me warmly, despite all the negative pre-trip publicity…

Although, there was one unfortunate incident for which I was briefly placed in time out. Honestly, I don’t remember what the infraction was. No doubt, some trumped up charge.

When Saturday finally drew to a close it was my turn to read the bedtime story. I must confess that I loved every minute of this time, especially when I got to introduce little Theo to the world famous Mr. Doug’s Tickle Monster Adventure, a bedtime tradition my kids enjoyed for all of their formative years, which no doubt explains their superior development as fine human beings. Of course, my daughter couldn’t resist a mean-spirited MEME at my expense…

One of the sweetest moments was Sunday morning, after an amazing breakfast of chicken and waffles, after which I took the following photograph of Theo and Lucy in the back yard. When the boys were first introduced to Miss Lucy, they seemed a little scared of her. But like everyone else who meets our Pup, they eventually fall under her spell…

Everyone left just before noon on Sunday morning. The house is suddenly toy-free and as quiet as the grave. We all miss the energy and love that fills a house with the introduction of children. Matt and Bailey are amazing parents doing the hard work of raising children in today’s confusing world. Knowing that Kaitlin and Jon have their friendship makes the fact that live 6 hours away from us much more tolerable to accept.

One more thing—Matt is a graphic artist by trade and as such decided to put his skills to good use on our driveway…

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