Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The Corruption Begins

The heat wave is over. This morning at 5:23 I woke up to 59 degrees and crystal clear blue skies. Immediately I climbed the ladder to the loft bedroom, stumbled around in my suitcase to find the long sleeve t-shirts I had packed, then came back downstairs to close all the windows. Now I’m sitting here drinking my coffee watching this…

Yes, that’s a loon to the left of the dock. There’s a family of them who have decided that our cove is their home, which ordinarily would be a wonderful thing, but because Lucy seems determined to make friends with them at every opportunity, we must all stay on high alert. Speaking of Lucy, her life just keeps getting better and better. Yesterday afternoon, Kaitlin and Jon arrived, doubling the number of people here devoted to making Lucy’s life as wonderful as possible. Usually when K&J come they have Jackson in tow, but up here Lucy gets them all to herself and she is thrilled…

This photograph is notable because Lucy is not known as a snuggler. She always stays close to her people but also likes her space. But she has been Miss Lovey Dovey on this trip, especially with Jon.

Last night, after a wonderful dinner, the rain storm that had blown through earlier in the day began to clear out so Pam and the kids went out for their first sunset paddle of the week while Lucy and I fished from the dock…

Now, if I am being honest I have to admit that all is not moonlight and magnolias here. Once the paddle was over and everyone had showered and gotten into jammies, my daughter’s corrupting influence was brought to bear on my idyllic world. In what will certainly guarantee her a seventh consecutive LVV award*, Kaitlin prevailed upon my wife to…turn on the television…so they could watch…The bachelorette. I’m surprised they didn’t set up a group text with Bernadette back in Richmond to gab back and forth about the show. So, essentially Kaitlin hadn’t been here 6 hours before corrupting the place. Before her arrival, in 18 days the television had only been used once…to livestream our church service…(spoiler alert: The Bachelorette ain’t church). My daughter partially made up for this disturbance of the peace by finally giving me my Father’s Day present…

In honor of the truth of that statement I offer this:

What do you call a medieval spy?

Sir Veillance…

* Least Valuable Vacationer

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