Wednesday, June 9, 2021

The Gates Divorce

Bill and Melinda Gates are getting a divorce. I don’t care. You shouldn’t either.

Practically every day for the past month a story has popped up on one of my news feeds offering the latest salacious details. I have steadfastly refused to click on a single one. When news first broke that the famous couple had filed for divorce, of course I read about it. It’s not every day when one of the most obnoxiously sanctimonious billionaires on the planet files for a divorce so sure, I was curious. But that first news article was all I needed to know about the two of them. They are nothing more than a long-married couple who now hate each other and are parting company, joining the roughly 2.4 million other couples who file for divorce every year in the United States. Why do we need to know all the gory details? Imagine what it would be like if you and your spouse were going through a messy split and you woke up one day and every single failure of your marriage was plastered all over the front page of the Times-Dispatch?

So why are Gates Divorce stories all the rage? Because we want to read about our blessed celebrities at each and every milestone of their ridiculous lives. If nobody cared, they wouldn’t print it, people. In other words…we are pathetic!

Now for something more uplifting:

Why does YouTube constantly recommend videos of dancing former Vice Presidents to me??

Must be a bad Al Gore Rhythm ….

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