Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Ten More Days

Pam just left for Portland to take Patrick and Sarah to the airport. The four days we had with them flew by. They loved Loon Landing and even loved the two cloudy days we had during their stay. It gave us an excuse to slow down and enjoy the quiet. They spent time reading and puzzling and taking slow kayak trips around the lake. In the evenings, Pam and Sarah cross-stitched for hours at a time. We managed to have our one and only fire of the summer a couple nights ago. Last night we had a lovely dinner at Fresh&Co in Camden, then dessert at Riverducks, which never disappoints.

This morning Lucy and I ventured down to the dock for some morning fishing. We both had endured quite enough trash-talking from Patrick about the lack of success we had been experiencing during their brief stay. Lucy especially had grown increasingly annoyed. So suddenly a very nice bass hit the line and made two dramatic jumps out of the water which naturally sent Lucy in to uncontrollable hysterics. When I pulled him in I made a call to everyone in the house to come see the evidence for themselves, only to discover that they had all walked up to the guest house. Lucy was disappointed to the extreme so I made the decision to walk up to the guest house with her and the wiggly bass. Once there, Patrick and Sarah appeared at the screen door and Lucy began her maniacal growling and jumping up and down with delight. It was pretty adorable. She loves fishing more than practically anything else up here!

Now, after cleaning the cabin up a bit, Lucy and I have settled in for some reading and napping while we wait for Mom to return, somewhere around 2:00. Its still cloudy and cool, still in the 60’s for the third straight day. But tomorrow promises sunshine and 75. Ten more days before we leave for Short Pump. I am starting to feel the end coming. I’m not sad or frustrated, just grateful we get to be here so long. Besides, there may be a fall trip in the works, plus there’s always next year. Lucy, on the other hand, will be devastated.

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