Friday, May 28, 2021

WARNING: Attempt at Humor Ahead

There is no getting around the fact that we are living in the Age of Woke. I have no idea whether it is a passing fancy or the wave of the future. To hear some people tell the story Wokeness is merely good manners and greater sensitivity to the feelings of our fellow man/women/ persons of more esoteric gender classification. To others its a minefield of new rules of human interaction where one false word can land you in a three week sensitivity class. A little like walking on eggshells in your Birkenstocks. Nowhere is this tension more acutely felt than in the arena of humor, or in my case...attempts at humor.

Yesterday, for example, I tried out a joke on my much more hip and with it executive assistant, Kristin:

Why did the cross-eyed teacher get fired?
Because she couldn’t control her pupils!

Kristin’s response was sure and swift, “You’re not gonna put that on Facebook are you? Please tell me you didn’t post that on Facebook!”

So, as a result of the hyper sensitive atmosphere that pervades the public spaces these days, much internal debate has gone on inside my head about publishing what follows:

I personally find this cartoon hilariously funny. Maybe its because I grew up in the world of Loony Tunes. Elmer Fudd was always a personal favorite. However, practically all of the laughs his character generated were at the expense of his speech defect, and as I understand the new rules, making fun of any sort of disability is frowned upon in Woke circles. So, I thought long and hard about what I should do...willy, willy hard. In the end I decided to go with it because its just a great strip.

If that makes me a waskle, so be it!

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