Monday, May 17, 2021

The Nashville Trip

Our Nashville trip was a raging success. The weather was glorious. We ate delicious food. We got to see our kids in their townhouse for the first time, a place they have transformed into a home, filled with warmth and plenty of creative graces. We got to spend part of an afternoon with a dear friend on his enchanting farm. We attended a baseball game for the first time since the pandemic hit. But best of all, we got to visit this very good boy...

Frisco clearly prefers my company more than anyone else’s, a fact driven home by his reaction to our arrival...

On a side note, Patrick and Sarah got me to try something new. This is a common practice with my kids, who are constantly goading me to expand my horizons...

Kids: Dad, try this awesome new board game where you spend two hours working together to end world hunger!!

Me: I’d rather endure a root canal without Novocain...

Kids: (group eye roll)

But, as the old expression goes...When in Nashville...

Yep...Sushi. If memory serves there were four different kinds on this admittedly beautiful plate, crunchy shrimp, California roll, spicy tuna, and some crab number whose name I can’t recall. I tried three of the four, soaked in soy sauce, and must admit that they were not horrible. 

My favorite pictures from the trip are displayed below:

Me and my boy entering a baseball stadium. Almost heaven.

No caption required...

Four-wheeling with Deen...

Five-Daughters doughnuts.

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