Tuesday, October 6, 2020

High Anxiety

Today was a day full of high anxiety levels all around. We are on vacation...in Maine...that’s not supposed to happen. 

It started with the cloudiness, high winds and cool temperatures. Then we headed out to tour another property, this one on Crawford Pond over in Union/Warren, Maine. From the pictures we had seen, it looked like it had great potential. So, we pulled up at the place around 11:00 just as the sun came out and bathed the entire place in warmth for thirty minutes or so. A sign? We walked every inch of the place, inside and out. Neither one of us could find much fault with it, the cabin was much nicer than the pictures had lead us to believe. Usually its the other way around with pictures. This place exceeded our expectations at practically every turn. What made things even better was the fact that the place hadn’t even been put on the market yet. Our realtor found out that the owners were prepared to sell after a family member’s death. So, we were on the inside, ahead of the mad rush for lake front property in Maine that COVID has spawned. Then, when we were about to leave, a guy pulls up the driveway and asks, “Is this the place that’s for sale?” Apparently, the owners had just posted their intentions to sell the place on FACEBOOK!!! To make matters worse, in the middle of the madness our realtor’s daughter got sent home from school with a fever and had to be taken for a COVID test.

A series of texts back and forth between us and our frantic realtor produced an offer and a letter, written by Pam, to the owners describing in heart-string pulling detail why they should sell the place to us rather than some friend, or worse, stranger on Facebook. Our realtor has called, texted and emailed with the owners this afternoon and as of this hour, there has been no word from them as to their reaction to our bid. We have tried to remain calm, cool and collected as we wait. It’s been hard thinking of anything other than this business all day. We had dinner. I watched some baseball. But in between I’ve been flipping through the 100 + pictures we took of the place, trying not to get my hopes up.

Although most of the day has been a cold, windy, dreary mess, even on bad days Quantabacook seems to redeem itself...

Now, we wait for the vibration of our cell phones, indicating a text from Tiff. Meanwhile, The Braves won, The Astros are now up two games to zero over the A’s, and the hated New York Yankees and their 10 gazillion dollar payroll are about to go up two games to one over the Rays. A minute or so ago my phone came to life with a dramatic buzz. My heart beat quickened as I reached for it only to discover that the warranty on a car I no longer owned was about to expire, and if would only call the Toll Free number, they could extend it for an unbelievably low low price!!


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