Saturday, September 5, 2020

What Are You Afraid Of?

What are you afraid of? It’s an important question, perhaps the most important question of this moment. It is the Holy Grail of politics because when they find out the answer, they will find a way to exploit it. Politicians know that the quickest and most powerful way to motivate voters is to tap in to their darkest fears. It is a strategy that has worked for years and continues to work today. Resentment, anger and grievance are important, sure...but fear is where the big money has always been. Political consultants, the job that has managed to dislodge used car salesman from the top of the most loathsome profession list, have earned their money by crafting messages intended to exploit our fears. It is the coin of the realm. No Presidential candidate can succeed without this exploitation. When you hear the term motivating the base it actually means...scaring the base. Whoever wins in November will be the candidate who does the best job of scaring you. Remember that on November 3rd.

Here are just a few examples of the ways political parties have tried to scare me over the years. This is not an exhaustive list. There are lots more, but these are the ones that stand out in my memory.

I remember being warned in 1980 that if I voted for Ronald Reagan, he would provoke a nuclear war with the Soviet Union.

I remember being warned in 1992 that Bill Clinton was a closet Socialist and wanted to dismantle the military.

In 2008, I was warned that if Barack Obama was elected, private property rights would be eviscerated, the economy would collapse, and my taxes would triple.

In 2016, I was assured that Hillary Clinton was a lesbian who, along with George Soros, would usher in Socialism on a grand scale.

Not to be outdone, I was warned that a vote for Donald Trump would result in homosexuals and all immigrants living in America being rounded up and sent to re-education camps...or something.

Now, the warnings are coming hot and heavy, so fast and furious that I can barely keep up. A Joe Biden Presidency is a carefully orchestrated head fake that will end with him being declared mentally incompetent and being replaced by Kamal Harris, a far left Socialist committed to destroying the economy and ramming slavery reparations down our throats. Even worse, electing Biden/Harris will result in the wholesale raping and pillaging of American suburbs by mobs of Antifa/BLM thugs.

Meanwhile, four more years of Donald Trump will usher in a shooting civil war and the installation of American Nazism, with Donald Trump our 21st century Adolf Hitler.

It’s a wonder any of us have the courage to get out of bed in the morning.

The fact that literally NONE of the horror stories that I have been warned about for the past 40 years actually happened, it doesn’t seem to make any difference. The American voter continues to fall for it, we continue to be manipulated. Nobody votes for anybody out of a sense of hope or joy at the prospect of a brighter future. Instead we vote to stave off some form of Armageddon, to keep the sinister wolves at bay.

I’m sick of it...aren’t you?

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