Monday, July 27, 2020

Time For Your Vote

Y’all. The heat...

My first day back at the office was going pretty well, right up until the moment I stepped out to go get a much needed haircut at 11:00 am...

When I got home, I walked upstairs only to discover that my wife was already preparing my body for the viewing...

Don’t even ask me what the heck that is laying on the day bed in my house. It’s the sort of thing that a man doesn’t want or need to know when it’s 98 degrees outside. My nephew’s fiancĂ© is living with us now. I assume that this body has something to do with her. 

Ok, while we were in Maine, my wife began just letting her hair go every morning. Instead of the hour it takes to blow dry, curling iron, and God knows what else she normally does in the morning, she just decided to go all natural. I LOVE IT. She’s not so sure. So, on our drive home she sent her pack of girl friends a side by side picture asking for their vote...

Her posse responded with a decisive landslide vote in favor of the lake house hair on the right. Which is better, Suburban Pam or Lake House Pam? Set aside for a moment the fact that Pam seemed far more interested in her girl friends’ opinions than mine. The real problem with this is simple...can anyone imagine a man doing this? How about if I sent a group text to a bunch of my guy friends saying something like, “Hey guys, trying to decide what’s a better look for me, this slim cut polo shirt or the fuller figure button down?” I just can’t imagine anything worse than how I would feel if one of my friends wanted fashion advice I mean, how pathetic! But just for fun, I decided to give it a try...

On the left is button downed Doug, cotton dress shirt, silk tie, in my office. The dude on the right is in his kayak on the lake.

Or what about this shot, which admittedly has been manipulated to hide the extra vacation poundage of my gut. So which is better? Button down Doug or Lake Doug?

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