Friday, July 10, 2020

Kaitlin and Jon Arrive

This morning I’m writing my blog from the dock, waiting for these two to return from their morning kayak jaunt.

Kaitlin and Jon got here yesterday afternoon and immediately made themselves at home, Kaitlin by jumping in her swim float and and lazing around on the lake in pursuit of her record setting eighth consecutive LVV award, (least valuable vacationer). My son in law has made his presence felt by assembling a campfire. In doing so he looked down his nose at my fire making skills, dismissing my use of artificial fire starting materials, and in that classic millennial way, assured me that all-natural was the way to go. Of course when he got around to actually trying to light the thing he looked like Cro Magnon Man down on his knees hyperventilating. Finally he turned to me, his old-school father in law, and mumbled “maybe we should use one of those first starter things.”  In five minutes the fire was roaring, I felt cocky vindication, and the world was once again spinning correctly on its axis. Of course, the boy hadn't been here ten minutes before he erected this...

...which speaks volumes about his intentions for the next 10 days.

Lest anyone get the wrong idea, my son in law is a great kid. He is a great husband to Kaitlin, a hard working provider, and one day will make a wonderful father to my grand kids. But, I do love my role as smart-mouthed father in law, so the fire thing was just perfect!! Besides, all the women in my family, every single one of them on both sides adore Jon, fawn over him, cater to his every need. So, it’s my job to provide the appropriate counter balance, a job that I do with great flare and skill.

The girls are still out somewhere on the lake. I have to go into town at some point to pick up my new phone, which means I must bring myself to leave the lake, not as easy as it sounds. 

Wait...there has been a sighting!

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