Saturday, March 23, 2019

Married Couple Stuff

File this post under...Stuff that married couples love to do.

So, with the arrival of Spring comes a series of home improvement projects that have been gestating all winter long, projects which all began with the soon as it gets warmer...For us it has been a whirlwind. First, we finally replaced the old, leaky, mold infested refrigerator in the garage, along with our loud and super slow dishwasher—the same one which flooded our house a mere 18 months ago. Next, I just hired a painting contractor to power wash the house, paint the exterior trim, and stain the deck. Then, I contracted with The Mosquito Authority to rid my back yard of that annoying pestilence. Now that we have reclaimed our backyard, last night, Pam and I did something really fun...went out and bought new deck furniture. This morning, as soon as it gets warmer, I will assemble it and figure out the new layout out there. It will be like adding a brand new room to the house. Once completed, the two of us will insist on spending more time out there, despite it being only 58 and intermittently sunny with pesky wind gusts that make it feel like -15.

Ok, if you are reading this and you have been married for any reasonable length of time, you will have to admit that I’m right...this IS something that married couples love to do. We love this sort of thing...putzing around the house, replacing old worn out stuff with shiny new stuff. I mean, we can’t replace each other, so we replace everything else in a never ending home-revitalizing project. It’s part of the innate human desire to want to make all things new. When we were young and poor, it was spring cleaning, a less expensive, more labor intensive effort, but the same basic human itch got scratched...start fresh. Starting next weekend Pam and I will do the same thing with our marriage...we will escape Short Pump for a week at the beach, just the two of us. New scenery, no schedule, new restaurants and hopefully, warmer weather. In a way, it will be like our 100th honeymoon. We have done these little escapes for years now. Sometimes, it was only long weekends at cheaper destinations, other times it’s been more exotic locales. This one is much more partner’s condo in Myrtle Beach, where we have stayed at least a dozen times before. We love it, it is therapeutic, even when the weather doesn’t cooperate.

So, after breakfast, we will begin the rejuvenation of our deck. I will post pictures of the finished product.

Very exciting.

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