Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Printer Fiasco

The amount of work, planning and creativity that Pam has put into my upcoming book launch is worthy of its own book at this point. Today she had me get three of our big tables from out of the garage and place them all around the downstairs of our house, where she did a trial run of what each table would look like once decorated at the venue. I am currently sitting directly across from the Sales Table and all I can tell you is, it looks amazing. In the other room is a mock up of the food tables and a display of door prizes that she has been accumulating over the past month or two. There are boxes of serving plates, glasses, knives and forks along with cases of wine, and what feels like a dozen extra touches of grace sprinkled hither and yon. I just can’t believe how incredible it’s going to look.

Then I glance through the list of RSVP’s and am again stunned at some of the names. There are business colleagues, family members, old friends from college days, friends from Grove, friends from Hope, cousins from Gladstone, clients, and friends from our neighborhood. There are kids I taught in Sunday School 25 years ago, there are faithful readers of The Tempest who I have never even met. The numbers are off the charts and have exceeded even our most optimistic expectations.

But, nothing like this is ever easy. There are always last minute catastrophes. Ours is a ghastly error made at the printer which has made the delivery of my hardcover books impossible in time for the festivities. After venting my spleen at those responsible, we have worked out a Plan B where hardcover books are concerned and am confident that everything will work out. I’m told that one day I will look back on the printer fiasco and laugh. Maybe. It is far more likely that I won’t live long enough for that to happen. I’m thinking that every time I look back on the printer fiasco I will have to fight off an overwhelming desire to choke someone.

Be that as it may, I am so psyched for Monday night and so grateful for all the many friends who have stepped up to help us pull it off. Can’t wait to see everyone. It’s gonna be a blast.

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