Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Week Three Begins

We began week three with yet another Biblical rainstorm that raised the lake level even higher and cooled down the water temperature considerably. The weather on this trip hasn’t been the greatest, but I can remember years where Pam and I ate 17 consecutive meals outside on the deck table here at Loon Landing, so it all evens out over time. Great news is that Kaitlin and Jon arrived Saturday evening! They look great and had a wonderful couple of days exploring the coast before their arrival here. Their first full day here featured pounding rain, fog and dreariness. We spent Sunday lounging around, eating delicious food, talking, reading and napping. Then yesterday morning we headed into Camden for blueberry pancakes and some shopping. By the time we were done, the sun was out. The afternoon was spent enjoying the beautiful lake as it was meant to be enjoyed, with sunscreen and charcuterie boards. Jon finally, mercifully caught his first fish! I would have taken a picture but my cell camera isn’t made to focus on anything that small…

My daughter is fond of taking pictures which feature coffee. Any excuse will do. If the light is right she will snap a picture of her steaming mug even if the background was the county dump. So yesterday she snapped this one at The Camden Deli…

I must say that this photograph does a nice job of capturing the change that comes over us here. Those two kids look relaxed and happy because they are. Right after this was taken I walked a couple doors down and spent a small fortune at The Smiling Cow for presents for the girls back at the office. Also got to catch up with Meg, the owner of the place, who is a delight.

Tomorrow, Paula and Ron arrive just in time to celebrate Pam’s birthday, which I think will be celebrated at Archer’s restaurant on the water in Rockland. Around here, plans 36 hours out are always tentative.

I miss my boy. Patrick and Sarah couldn’t make it up this year. When we had our mid-afternoon charcuterie board we sent Sarah a picture since she was the one who introduced us to the idea several summers ago. Although I’m not sure Lucy could handle two more of her people up here showering her with love, devotion and attention! That dog is going to be impossible to live with when we get her back home!!

Not sure what the weather holds for us today. One forecast calls for sunny, another for partly cloudy and yet another for a 40% chance of storms. However, I do know what is in store for me this morning—the very rude imposition of work. There’s a state tax issue to clear up, and a handful of clients to call and a paperwork foul up to correct. Doing work up here is like farting at a funeral. It just doesn’t feel right.

PS…There’s a cabin we might take a tour of coming up soon. Will keep you advised.

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