Wednesday, June 1, 2022

The Second Chance Trust

Last night, after two years of on again, off again inspiration, I finally finished writing novel number four. The previous three had all been wrapped up in 6-8 months. This one was different, a beguiling, frustrating battle. Maybe because it was written during COVID, the uncertainty of the last two years contributed to the frustration. The story came in torrents at times, then would recede into the hills not to be heard from for weeks, months at a time.

The last chapter of any work of fiction is the most difficult to write. How to end a story is far harder than beginning one. The idea for a story often comes in a flash of inspiration, but wrapping up a story is full of angst and doubt. Leaving your characters and their universe in suspended animation feels arbitrary and even cruel. But it has to be done. So last night, I typed out the last few words and put the story to bed. I am both proud of it and suspicious. Is it any good? Is it good enough to get published? Part of me thinks it doesn’t matter because I found great pleasure and satisfaction writing it which is its own reward, but another part of me is dying to know whether its good enough to be published.

So now it goes to my friend Denise Roy for a proofread, then to my daughter for a more literary editing job. This process will take a while. Each of them have day jobs. But eventually it will be ready for the next step. I have between now and then to decide what that next step is. Along the way I have sent chapters one by one to a few friends for their comments and thoughts, Dodie Whitt because she will read practically anything and has lots of opinions, Tom Allen who although disappointed that there were no pictures is always good for an insight or three, and a Maine buddy of mine, Alan Smith who is a fine writer in his own right. Eventually, I will let Pam read it. Her opinion is always the most valuable because at the end of the day she is the one I’m always trying to impress. I have stumbled upon a tentative title…The Second Chance Trust.

Wish me luck.

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