Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Birthday Thoughts

My 64th birthday is now in the books. I spent it with my wife and daughter down in Columbia, South Carolina. Spending time with my adult children is a rarity at this point in our lives, so it was a special time. Kaitlin knows her father quite well, as was evident when I opened my present from her…

Just in case you are unable to read the fine print, this is a collection of exotic meats jerky, everything from alligator to camel and come with Buffalo Bob’s Big Game freshness guarantee. The collection comes complete with four hot snacks, elk smothered in jalapeƱo pepper sauce, and a special Cajun spiced alligator stick. This box of delicacies will give me literally weeks of taste bud thrills as I count down the days until Maine. Plus, I can mail in the logo from the front of the box back to Buffalo Bob and get a free 25 count bottle of Pepcid! As an added bonus, these jerky strips have so many preservatives, the box says, “consume by August of 3022.”

The rest of the week of my birthday will be spent in leisurely pursuits as I use the week to get away from the pressures of my profession. I will play some golf, do some writing, and putz around in my yard getting it ready for summer.

Like many people my age I am finding that each year I enjoy my birthday less and less. Somewhere along the line I discovered that I wasn’t a huge fan of being reminded of my age. Don’t misunderstand, I’m not one of those guys who constantly wishes he could turn back time and be young again. Absolutely not! I can’t think of anything worse than being asked to live again as a 30 year old. No thanks. Those were terribly difficult years. Paying the bills every month was a stomach-churning high wire act. No, I have no desire to endure the hours I put in working in my 30’s. My problem with birthdays now is the conflict I feel between gratitude for life’s many blessings and the sometimes agonizing feeling that I am running out of time.

I have enjoyed my share of success in this life. I have an amazing family and wonderful friends. When I took a moment yesterday to read through all the birthday wishes on Facebook it was a reminder of how many terrific people I have had the good fortune to meet during my life. But every year as April 3 approaches, I begin to feel a gnawing discomfort. It’s hard to describe accurately, partly because I’m not even sure what it is myself. What it boils down to is the feeling that I haven’t done that one big thing yet…something great. Sure, I married the right woman, brought two amazing people into this world, both could reasonably be described as great accomplishments. But, I can’t shake the thought that it isn’t enough. There has to be something else that I need to do. If there is, then at 64…I am running out of time to do whatever it is that lives nameless and rent free in my head.

But, until I figure it all out, I have a box of exotic dried meat From Buffalo Bob to distract me.

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