Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Debate Change Any Minds?

I didn’t watch the debate last night. Pam did because she’s braver than me. I spent the time finishing up a difficult chapter in the book I’m currently writing. It took me nearly two hours to write 750 words. It was excruciating…but nowhere near as excruciating as watching that debate would have been.

But, this morning my Facebook feed is full of people lamenting the bias of the ABC moderator. This can only mean one thing—Trump must have gotten his ass kicked. Not that it matters one way or the other. I’m not sure anyone’s mind was changed. Was yours? I’m truly curious to hear from anyone out there who watched the debate with an open mind, someone who was undecided or on the fence going in and came away having made a decision of who to vote for. What did it for you? What did either one of them say that changed your mind? What was it that clinched the deal for you? I would be fascinated to hear your story. In fact, I might even devote a future blog post to the topic: I watched the debate and have decided that I’m voting for _________.

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