Thursday, September 12, 2024

Best. Photograph. Ever.

Heading out for Maine this morning. My wife has been working like a slave to get everything ready for the journey. She has cleaned the house, packed with the meticulous attention to detail of a surgeon, as well as attending to all of the extra details associated with leaving Lucy here with a full-time pet sitter. Yes, Lucy will not be coming along with us for the Fall trip, a fact that she has not yet become aware of as I write this. There are lots of reasons for this. When we are here in the Fall we spend less time on and in the lake and much more time on excursions in and around Mid-Coast Maine. Lucy, not being a huge fan of excursions spends a lot of time alone at the house. Plus, she is getting older and is probably not up to two Maine trips in one year anymore. I will miss her terribly, but it’s the right decision.

Anyway, when we arrive at Loon Landing on Friday afternoon and after a day or so of unpacking and gettin the place set up to our liking, this woman will magically appear on the deck…

This is my favorite photograph of my wife. I took it 7 years ago during a Fall trip. I don’t think she was happy about me taking her picture without fair warning which might explain the fist on her hip stance. But she couldn’t help looking fabulous. Nobody looks better than Pam Dunnevant with Quantabacook in the background. And that apron…well that just puts this one over the top, don’t you think?

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