Wednesday, August 28, 2024


For men of a certain age what I am about to share will sound familiar. Or, maybe not. Maybe it’s just me demonstrating my penchant for selective incompetence. Although I have developed many fine skills over the years, there are certain things involving the care and maintenance of my health where I seem cursed. I taught myself how to play the classical guitar when I was fourteen. On three occasions in my life I have broken 80 on the golf course. I have run a successful business for three decades. I have written four novels. And yet…when it comes to keeping up with all things medical, I am a colossal failure. In the last thirty days alone I have discovered that I had been taking a medicine that the doctor had told me to discontinue, I have lost an entire bottle of meds and had to have an exception made from the insurance company to have it replaced, and finally yesterday completely botched getting a shingles vaccine!!

So, it is shingles vaccine season around here since Pam got hers last week. This week was my turn. Pam sent me a text suggesting that it was…easy. “Just go to the app”, she says, “and click vaccines. My reply might sound pathetic to some of you, but considering my track record, not unpredictable. “Are you sure I can do this?” I asked. What I was hoping for was something along the lines of, “Oh, never mind, I’ll do it!!” But no, there was a glitch in the app that would not allow anyone else but me do the honors. So, I forged ahead on my own, giant, gangly opposable thumbs doing their best. After several false starts I managed to secure a 3:00 appointment for yesterday afternoon. I actually picked up on the instruction found in the fine print that asked me to remember to show up 5 minutes prior to my scheduled appointment and check in via the app from the parking lot before entering the store. At this point I was feeling quite confident.

I presented myself to Emma, the purple-haired technician who is somewhere in the midst of transitioning between the sexes and who happens to be the only competent employee in the Pharmacy at my CVS. I gave he/her my name with a surprising amount of confidence. But then Emma says that there is no record of my appointment. I smugly handed her my cell phone with the confirmation of said appointment on the display. She looked at me with all the empathy of a DMV clerk and said, “Mr. Dunnevant, your appointment is with the CVS inside the Target on Broad Street.”

“There’s a CVS inside the Target on Broad Street??” I asked. 

“Yes Sir,” Emma replied.

“But why would I set an appointment there when this is the pharmacy I’ve used for 30 years?”

“Did you set the appointment using the app?”

“Yes…” I mumbled, a sinking feeling stirring somewhere in my intestines.

“Yeah, well, sometimes the app brings up the wrong location as the default instead of sending you to the one you normally use. You have to be careful when using it.”

So, once again my uncanny knack of screwing up all things medical strikes again. Instead of being 5 minutes early, now I had to fight broad street traffic and find this stealth CVS inside of Target. I walk in ten minutes late and the whole thing is over in five minutes. When I informed Pam of my travails she texted this reply…

“Dang…you are helpless without me!!!”

Speaking of shingles…I have already had them, several years ago, I’m told. Although I have no memory of it. When I told Pam this she looked at me like I had two heads. “What do you mean you don’t remember having shingles?” But it’s the truth…I have no memory of it at all. It couldn’t have been but so bad, right? Now, I can remember the starting lineup for the New York Mets in game six of the 1969 World Series, but having shingles? total blank. She tells me it was on my back. Maybe thats why I don’t remember because I never saw it. Whatever the reason, this is par for the course. 

And she is right…I am helpless without her.

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