Sunday, July 18, 2021

Moving Day

It is never an easy thing to get to Maine. Whether you’re driving up 95 or flying into Portland or Bangor, its no picnic getting here. Yesterday we moved into house # 2 on the west side of the lake. It was also supposed to be the day that our kids flew in to Bangor around 10:30 pm to join us in this great big old house. Instead, here’s what happened…

Pam and I cleared out of Summer Dreams precisely at 9 am as per the rental agreement. Pam drove the car around the lake to house # 2 and waited for me to paddle the kayaks across, which took 25 minutes. I tied them up to our new dock and then we drove into Belfast to kill some time. We owned that town:

The Cajun chicken sandwich I had at Darby’s Irish Pub was legendary.

There is a quirkiness about Maine that I find comforting. We went to an amazing Farmer’s Market which we could have spent a fortune at but were restrained by having very little room in the car to put anything, so Pam had to settle for some zucchini, squash, hard salami and cheese…

But, Maine being MAINE, the musical entertainment was provided by a harpist…

Of course. 

And in case you needed to go to the bathroom, the Belfast Farmer’s Market’s got you covered…

After lunch, we headed back to Camden to rest in the Camden Library where we were lucky enough to see a wedding taking place in the amphitheater. The bride had to enter through the large room where Pam and I were resting. She looked radiant.

While we were so engaged, we received a text from our son informing us that just as he and Sarah had left their apartment headed for the airport, they were informed that their flight had been cancelled. But these are my kids we’re talking about and if I managed to teach them anything it was how to roll with the punches. They ended up making an adventure of it by driving to Huntsville, Alabama booking a flight out for early today, finding a hotel and eating dinner at this cool place…

Meanwhile, we moved in to the new place…

It’s huge and not as campy as Summer Dreams, But once all four of our kids get here it will feel like home. Speaking of which, Kaitlin and Jon’s flight was delayed but they made it to Bangor a little after midnight. We made it home at 1:30 in the morning, a long day. If all goes as planned, Patrick and Sarah will be here by 5:30 this afternoon. It looks like it will be raining all day today.

A couple more delightful examples of Maine quirkiness…These folks know a thing or two about diversification…

Who among us hasn’t been walking through a book store and thought, “Wouldn’t a fine cigar be great about now?” And, how many times have you been ordering a latte when you’re overcome by a desire to purchase a touring bicycle? 

Ok, trying to publish a blogpost with this many photographs is going to be a challenge for the fragile internet up here. So, I hope you are able to read this before the end of the day. 

“This is the day the Lord hath made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it…” 


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