In recent years it has become somewhat of a national
sport for people my age to rag on the “Millennials,” that generation of
Americans between the ages of 21 and 30. They are said to be a bunch of
entitled, pampered, crybabies, living rent free in their parent’s basements who
spend all day playing video games and whining about how hard they have it,
emerging only for the occasional Occupy Wall Street rally. Well, it has been
either my good fortune or some cosmic accident, but I have never met anyone
that age fitting that description. In fact, my experience has been quite the
opposite. Because of my involvement working in a church youth ministry for ten
years back in the day, it has been my privilege to meet hundreds of
millennials, and frankly, I’m getting a little tired of the stereotype.
I can start with my two kids. My son, age 24 is
working two jobs putting himself through graduate school in Princeton, New
Jersey. My daughter did the same at Wake Forest where she earned her degree in
English Literature and is now working feverishly decorating her new 7th
grade classroom at Moody Middle School preparing for the onslaught of 100 skulls
full of mush that will descend upon her in a couple of weeks baptizing her with
fire as a new English teacher.
But, it’s not just my kids. When I look at Facebook,
I learn what has become of the hundreds of kids I taught in church, and it is
truly inspiring. I see two young men who became missionaries, one in China, the
other in Poland. I follow a couple of young women who have gone overseas to
volunteer, one in Thailand, the other all over as a participant in the World
Race. I see the beautiful pictures of adorable children produced by young
couples happily married and gainfully employed. I see a news producer in
Kentucky, an Architect in South Carolina, teachers in Charlotte, Nashville, San
Diego, and even Minot, North Dakota. I see a Doctor in Birmingham, a chemist in
Danville, an engineer and an IT consultant in Richmond. I see a youth minister
in Burke, Virginia, and an accountant in Atlanta, Georgia. I know a social
worker in Jackson, Tennessee, and an add man in Raleigh, North Carolina. I’m
absolutely sure that each one of these young people has their share of
problems. But I’m equally sure that they are battling through them like all of
their ancestors did before them. They are all working, paying taxes, and
contributing to their communities. I see each of them as a tremendous source of
encouragement about the future, and I’m growing weary of hearing their
generation impugned by a bunch of self satisfied 50 year old Boomers who have
done their best to screw up the world that these kids are inheriting and will
someday have to run.
Are there a bunch of 25 year old losers out there living
rent free in their parent’s basements? Sure. Probably about as many as there
are 55 years olds busy spending their parent’s inheritance on tummy tucks and
face lifts. Each and every generation has its share of reprobates. Don’t worry
about the Millennials, these kids are alright!