Monday, July 22, 2019

Week One in the Books

We’ve taken a bunch of pictures since we arrived here just over a week ago. If I had to pick only one of them which summarizes what this first week has been like, it would be this one...

There has been a lot of this, me kicked back on the dock, Lucy standing vigilant guard after a swim, and Pam reading a book on her Nook. Last night was the first time we have gone out for dinner, that’s how magnificent the weather has been. But the past two days have been much hotter, especially around the dinner hour, turning our un-air-conditioned cottage into a steam bath. So, we decided to drive into Belfast for dinner at Delvino’s. First of all, Delvino’s is the best restaurant in the area, and secondly Delvino’s is air conditioned! We ordered beer-battered haddock bites with lemon aioli tartar sauce for an appetizer and I was tempted to tell the waitress...Ok, I’ve decided that I don’t want an entree, just keep these babies coming! Sensational. 

Afterwards we tooled around the streets of downtown Belfast, which we have always considered Camden’s red-haired stepchild...(just as Rockland is Camden’s annoying younger brother). But, over the years, Belfast has grown on us. It is quite charming and generally not as crowded in the evenings. Except for Delvino’s. SRO at 7:30. We waited 30 minutes for a high top. Worth it.

As we were leaving, we noticed that the sky was, once again, lit up with sunset colors. Belfast is a harbor town. Our restaurant was two blocks from the ocean. But, 18 minutes away, we knew that we were missing another fire show at Quantabacook. I hustled home as fast as I could, but by the time we arrived it was mostly over. Still, Pam and Lucy walked out on the dock to watch the last few minutes...

A word about my wife. I run a considerable risk publishing the above photograph of her on the streets of Belfast without her consent. I took it partly to capture the sky but also to catch my wife in the act of being beautiful without even trying. Here’s the thing...Pam is always put together. It’s who she is. She always takes care to look her best when she goes out in public. It’s not born of vanity, its more like she considers it bad manners to look sloppy. Me, on the other hand, on many occasions have been stopped at the door and delivered a sharp rebuke...Um, no. You are NOT going out in public dressed like a homeless man. So, last night Pam went out without doing anything to her hair. It was far too hot to even think about running a blow dryer. She just let it dry on it’s own. She was worried that she would look like a scarecrow or something. But I had to remind her of a fact about beauty that most women don’t understand.

Most of the time, Pam looks her best when she is all dressed up, nice outfit, hair done, makeup in place etc..etc.. However, there are times when she looks even better...when she’s not even trying. Every man reading this will understand this instinctively. Yes, we all love it when our wives get dressed up in their finest. But there are other times when they are a bit disheveled, windblown and harried when we glance at them and think...Wow, is my wife gorgeous or what?! Last night was one of those times.

It appears that the weather is on the mend today...high only 76 with plenty of sunshine. The owner is coming to cut the grass at some point today, so we will have to be on our best behavior. Met our new neighbors from Pennsylvania. Dan works for a company with a branch office in...wait for it...Short Pump. Small world! Pam so impressed them with her effortless paddle boarding, they went out and rented one for their 16 year old son. Pam gave him a short lesson and off he went. 

Another day in paradise.

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