Thursday, June 20, 2019

What Do I Do With My New Hour??

I deleted my Twitter account last night. My wife had suggested that I could just block people who made the experience unenjoyable for me...and she had a point, but upon further reflection I just decided to be done with it. For one thing, the Twitter statistics told me that I spent an average of over an hour a day on the thing. So, by deleting Twitter, I have reclaimed 30 hours of my life back every month. That’s like gaining back an entire day each month, 12 days a year. What will I do with all this new free time?! Well, this morning, I spent a good chunk of it shooting squirrels, a much more fulfilling hobby.

But, it has gotten me to thinking...what would be a better way to spend a spare hour every day than flipping through Twitter?

1. Become a more consistent and thorough flosser.
2. Spend more time praying for friends, family and enemies.
3. Take some time to write friends the occasional note of encouragement.
4. Learn the proper use of the dreaded apostrophe ie..its vs. it’s...which has always been the bane of my literary existence.
5. Learn how to bake bread.

The worst way to use my new hour each day?

1. Spend an extra hour on Facebook.
2. Immerse myself in all things Trump.
3. Learn everything there is to know about Bernie Sanders.
4. Figure out a way to communicate to Lucy that thunder will not, in fact, kill her.
5. Give soccer a chance.

Alrighty then...I suppose I should get started!

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