Words and ideas, like fashion, fall out of favor over time. Bell bottom jeans used to be a thing. Now, jeans are mostly skinny. Having a gay old time might carry a different meaning today than it did when it was a lyric to the Flintstone’s theme song. The term fiscal conservative used to carry real meaning. Over time the meaning of words can change, turning once innocuous expressions into loaded, fighting words. But, just because the public perception of a word, phrase or idea may change, that doesn’t mean I have to like it. There are times that I want to reclaim the English language, to rescue it from its bastardized torment. However, this is a job which is much bigger than I am. So for now I can only wish that certain words didn’t carry around such baggage...
I want to enjoy the benefits of wealth without being thought of as wealthy.
I want to live out my Christian faith without being considered religious.
I would like to advocate for a less intrusive and oppressive government without being labeled a conservative Republican.
I would like to support a more humane and compassionate immigration policy without being branded a liberal Democrat.
I would like to enjoy golf without it being assumed that I must be a member of a country club.
I wish to continue reading tons of books every year without being thought a book nerd.
I would like to be more careful about what I eat without becoming a food Nazi.
I want to continue to work out and take care of my body without succumbing to vanity.
I want to experience the wisdom that comes with age without getting old.
I want to develope greater empathy for others without turning myself into an easy mark.
I want to demand professionalism and accountability from law enforcement without being accused of being anti-police.
I want to be able to condemn lawlessness, violence and thuggery wherever it exists without being called a racist.
I want to continue to be an unrepentant baseball fan without being dismissed as old school.
I believe that wanting American troops brought home from their foolish deployments isn’t the same thing as isolationism.
I want to cultivate more generosity in my life without becoming a spendthrift.
I want to strive for consistency without it turning into stubbornness.
Desiring to keep more of my hard earned money instead of having it confiscated by the government does not mean I’m greedy.