There are simply too many media companies making too much money for either of these nominations to get wrapped up anytime soon. Politics has become America's most popular spectator sport. Politics has also become America's favorite soap opera. Consider these burning questions:
1. Will Hillary become America's first female president, once and for all time shattering the ultimate glass ceiling?
2. Is Bill Clinton suffering from the early stages of dementia?
3. Will Hillary ever be indicted by the Justice Department over her emails?
4. Are Hillary and Huma a thing?
5. What's up with Hillary's annoying cough?
6. How did a perpetually disheveled curmudgeon like Bernie Sanders score such a wonderful wife?
7. If Donald Trump becomes President, what will be the over/under on how long his current marriage survives?
8. When John Kascich finally releases his delegates, will they wind up supporting Ted Cruz or Hillary Clinton?
9. Will Hillary Clinton go all in on gender by nominating a woman as her Vice President? Someone like Elizabeth Warren or John Kerry?
10. Will Bernie Sanders counter by going all in on Commuism by nominating Van Jones as his running mate?
11. Will Ted Cruz become our first friendless President?
I don't know about you, but I'll be tuned in!