Friday, January 26, 2024

Story Time, Mediterranean Food and Earlobe Hair

Random observations on this Friday morning:

- My mother-in-law has been battling back from quadruple bypass surgery this week. She’s 80 and tough as nails. My father-in-law has been by her side throughout the fight while becoming the favorite person of all the nurses on the cardiac floor at St. Mary’s hospital. Neither of these things surprises me in the least.

- One of the sweetest guys I know at Hope Church died this week. Roger had been battling cancer for some time. The last time I saw him at Hope Thrift he looked frail and weak, but he greeted me with a broad and genuine smile like he always did. He was a bright light even while deathly ill.

- This morning at Hope Cafe there will be the first ever Story Time at 10:00. I will be a casual observer today, but next Friday I will be the designated reader. Mom’s will be bringing their pre-school aged kids to the Cafe to listen to grownups read them children’s books for an hour. I’m excited about it, but I am hoping that Jennifer doesn’t ask me to read any of those dreadful Bernstein Bear books. They are the absolute worst!!

- Pam has us both on a Mediterranean food kick since the first of the year. It isn’t a diet, its just eating food cooked and prepared in the Mediterranean style. She has found a bunch of new recipes and we have been loving it. The food is delicious and as a side benefit, we have both lost a little weight. The only problem is the cleanup after dinner. You wouldn’t believe how many measuring spoons, bowls, utensils and various and sundry kitchen tools required to make healthy meals. Emptying the dishwasher the next morning takes forever and I don’t know where half the stuff goes. But I’m not complaining. The meals have been amazing.

- This week has brought another list of new aches and pains of unknown origin which have been visited upon my 65 year old body. Out of nowhere both insteps are now painful to the touch, mysterious bruises have appeared on my left forearm without provocation, and I have sprouted new hair growth out of my left earlobe. Sweet.

- As we near the end of January I am well on my way to achieving my goal of 5000 sit-ups and pushups in 2024. Last year I had the same goal and only made it to 3800.

- My garage door opener broke this week for just the second time in 27 years. Called a guy to come fix it and he showed up on time and did the job in less than two hours. The bill came to $891. Nice work if you can get it. Just another reminder that everything in and around us is in a state of decay. Our job is to manage that decay with as little embarrassment and angst as possible. So far, so good.

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