Saturday, April 4, 2020

My Wonderful Virtual Birthday

My first ever virtual birthday was a fabulous success due primarily to the creative ministrations of my amazing wife. A short list of the day’s activities follows:

- Birthday or no birthday, a trip to the office had to be made. I had one appointment and some paperwork to complete. Doug came in around 9:30, made several insensitive remarks about my advancing age, then gave me a box of golf balls to assuage his guilt.

- Came home around 10:30 and spent the following hour or so cutting grass and putzing around in the yard, one of my favorite pastimes especially on such a gorgeous day.

- Pam fixed me a delicious lunch after which she presented me with my first present:

Not one, but two swivel/rocking/gliding deck chairs for our deck...and the best part is—assembly required. A present and a project. Brilliant!

- Then I start getting texts and calls from friends throughout the afternoon. Most of them include tasteless remarks describing the state of my physical decrepitude. Many of them come in the form of Dad Jokes far below the quality that I have become accustomed to but, what would you expect from a bunch of amateurs?

- Pam makes me a cappuccino brownie birthday cake. The 1 is a concession to the times, since the blowing out of 62 candles may have triggered an asthmatic episode.

- Then we sent a video to the kids reassuring them all that we are in full compliance to all of the latest CDC recommendations:

- After a fabulous dinner of what has become our Coronavirus Friday tradition...Wong’s wife disappeared upstairs to prepare my next present. No no...this is a family blog...but when she was ready, I was instructed to sit down in my recliner in the upstairs den. When I opened my eyes my new 52inch screen was full of the opening screen shot to a 30 minute video that she had spent most of the day constructing. It featured practically everyone I know and love. Everyone had recorded a message for me for my birthday. There were songs, poems, tributes and even a super funny tour of all available senior living facilities in the area by my former friend, Chip Hewette! Pam had sent out an email to all of these people asking them to submit a video for inclusion and this was the result. Suffice it to say that I have the best family and finest group of friends anyone could possibly ask for.

Thank you all. From the bottom of my heart...thank you.

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