Some old Greek philosopher said it best, “In war,
truth is the first casualty.” Combine this insight with the “fog of war,” and
one gets the sense that in all things related to warfare, hard facts can be elusive.
I say all this to protect myself against the real possibility that future
information might render the following observation moot.
However, if we just handed over 5 hardened,
murdering terrorists for an America-hating deserter in Afghanistan, then the
American government just made the worst trade since the Red Sox exchanged Babe
Ruth to the Yankees for $100,000.
I read the story and am astonished at the abject incompetence
of this White House. What on earth is the upside to this exchange? We have
freed a POW who deserves to be court marshaled for 5 unrepentant terrorists? To
what end? So, the President can have a photo-op in the Rose Garden with the parents?
There has got to be something else going on here, because I refuse to believe
that my government allowed themselves to be hosed this badly. Perhaps there’s a
“player-to-be-named-later” that we don’t know about. Maybe Sgt. Bergdahl has
been on some top-secret CIA operation whereby he has cleverly made himself look
like a traitorous scumbag when in fact, he has been gathering crucial
intelligence for the past five years. Maybe there is something we don’t know
that will one day explain this manifestly lop-sided trade. You know, the fog of
war and all.
Anyone who has read this blog for any length of time
knows that I’m no fan of our involvement in Afghanistan or any of our other
misadventures abroad. If it were up to me we wouldn’t be there at all. But, for
heaven’s sake, we have now set ourselves up for more and more trouble with this
ridiculous exchange. Now, all of this country’s enemies know that the most
valuable commodity in the world is an American serviceman. Hold him long
enough, and you can get just about anything you want from our feckless
You said "There has got to be something else going on here." You're right: it's called "Trying to salvage, if possible, Mr. O's reputation on the heels of another huge military scandal." (referencing the resignation of the VA Secretary). Have you noticed that he tries to one-up himself to divert media attention from huge scandals? The same thing happened with Benghazi. I consent with your final declaration: shameful.