Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Gay Marriage Debate

Yesterday the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case of California’s Proposition 8, a ballot initiative which changed the California constitution to prohibit gay marriage. The people of that state passed the initiative in 2008 with 52% of the voters agreeing that the historical definition of marriage as between one man and one woman should not be changed. The verdict was immediately challenged and overturned by the 9th circuit court and was then appealed to the Supreme Court for review.

If I had any brains I would simply let this go without comment. The issue is a minefield of accusation. Words like “bigot” and “fag” are being thrown around like hand grenades at anyone stupid enough to go public with an opinion. Well, there has never been any doubt as to whether I am stupid enough, the evidence showing that I am stupid enough for practically anything, so here goes.

Facebook yesterday got lit up with these small red squares which I later learned were indications of support for gay marriage. The back and forth was quite awful, as I have come to expect on that medium. I know and understand the basic arguments on both sides and many, though not all, of the tangential ones. I am left confused and torn.

On the one hand, if a society decides to change the 4000 year old understanding of what marriage is, it better have a damn good reason for doing so. Marriage is a foundational relationship of human interaction, serving as it does as the primary organizational unit of civilization,( notice the links I am willing to go to avoid the ghastly term “building block”!!).  But I also know that slavery was a foundational relationship of human interaction for something close to 4000 years too, and still is in many areas of the world. The fact that we grew to value the dignity of human life enough to stigmatize and outlaw human bondage was a high water mark in our development. The question then arises, does prohibiting gay marriage equate logically with abolishing slavery? Proponents have very eagerly picked up the civil rights banner, cloaking their cause as the natural next step in personal freedoms and claiming the rhetorical high ground that that association brings. As a side benefit, this strategy also allows those on the other side of the debate to be breezily accused of being bigots, the natural descendants of Bull Conner.

For most of my younger friends the issue seems to be a simple one summarized by a simple question, “Why shouldn’t people be allowed to love whoever they choose?” It’s all about love. Why can’t we all just get along? Of course this binds the issue of “love” to marriage in ways that are not consistent with history. The close relationship with romantic love and the institution of marriage is a very new one historically speaking, a relatively modern construct. For centuries before ours marriage was much more often of financial, political, or even self preservation origins. Marriages were entered into to strengthen tribes, alliances and other forms of human organizations, but most importantly to provide the safest vehicle for the formation of families, the propagation of the species, child rearing, for lack of a better term. Now, I admit, this understanding doesn’t do well on a Hallmark Card, but nonetheless it is a fact of history sometimes lost in our modern obsession with romantic love. So, getting back to my young friends and their argument for gay marriage…if love is the issue, then why prohibit any two people who “love each other” from getting married? Why shouldn’t a 35 year old man be able to marry a 15 year old girl, or a 15 year old boy, or a 15 year old dog? It’s all about love, right? Or how about that strange place where love truly abounds, our 35 year old man and his 6, 35 year old girlfriends? Love conquers all, or so I’m told on Facebook.

The burden of proof should be on those who propose a redefinition of marriage. What will be the results down the line of this redefinition? Will the legal precedent be set for future redefinitions like I describe, and if so, how do these changes benefit society, and are those benefits without risk?

I have not here introduced religious convictions into the debate. I have some on this issue, but they are not germane to the legal argument. However, religious issues still abound. If gay marriage is made the law of the land, what is to become of churches who teach the traditional view( Catholics, Baptists, etc.)? If they refuse to conduct such marriages, will they be held in contempt, stripped of their tax free status? Will their priests and ministers be sent to jail? And what is to become of the millions of people who still hold to a 4000 year definition of the institution of marriage? Are they to be magically transformed into bigots and shamed from polite society?


There is much more to discuss here, but I must go to work. I have many sympathies with the pro gay marriage argument which I will detail in tomorrow’s blogpost.


                                      TO BE CONTINUED  


  1. I appreciate that you have put thought into the issue, as there are so many who immediately and often blindly write it off with no further thought, and it is clear that you have considered other sides to this story. I did spend some time writing out a longer response that I may want to email to you or maybe post in my own blog, but first, a few things I'm itching to respond to--these are not attacks of course! Please don't misunderstand my intention here.

    I think maybe it isn't fair to imply that the younger proponents of marriage equality have made it a simple issue of love. I know that I and most of my peers have not devolved this position so far as to say it is just about love. Maybe it's presumptuous for me to assume that I am among your "younger" friends (after all, I am not SO young anymore), but I would like to defend my generation in this regard (and it extends to any number of topics, not just marriage equality). It is true that more and more we rally behind catchphrases like, "Love is love," but it is because we are in a unique media-driven era of our societal evolution in which marketability is absolutely essential to having a voice. Basically, in this case, "Love is love" is the headline, but many of us (and I would venture to say most of us) have read the entire article. I think we collectively understand the underlying issues and understand what we are supporting a lot better than some might believe.

    Having said that, I am interested to see what tomorrow's entry entails. I know what my arguments for marriage equality are. I am curious to see what you have gleaned from other sources.

    I think I would like to send you this piece I wrote, or if I post it on my blog I can send you the link and you can choose to read it or not. I may look over it some more before sharing it with anyone, only because for me this topic is very delicate and I will treat it as such. The piece initially started as a reaction to this blog post but somehow evolved into an overview of my own personal platform on the subject. It includes a number of points: what I support and why, of course, why I have specifically taken up the banner of civil rights, why I think that is an appropriate lens through which to view this issue, and also why I find it socially irresponsible to relate homosexuality to the crimes of pedophilia, polygamy, and worst of all bestiality. There are questions as well, as I struggle to understand the opposition to marriage equality when one attempts to remove it from the context of religion/morality.

    Again, I definitely appreciate the thought you put into this, and I hope that this response will be seen as courteous discourse, as that was my intention.

  2. Dad,

    The "allowing gay marriage will allow human-dog marriage" argument simply doesn't work, because in order to get married, you have to have legal standing, consent, and be able to sign a marriage license. Obviously, animals are capable of exactly none of these. Now, you could argue that people would try to change the laws to accommodate animals, but then, the burden of proof would be on YOU to demonstrate that, and I frankly see absolutely no reason that this would ever happen.

    35-year-olds also CAN marry 15-year-olds (in some places), provided they have parental consent. A better argument would have been "Why wouldn't 35-year-olds be able to marry a 9-year-old?" And, of course, the reason would be that 9-year-olds also cannot consent in any meaningful way.

  3. Patrick,
    If I may try to support your dad's point...
    Once you start changing laws to suit public opinion, where do you stop? It sounds absurd to think that we could one day decide to change the laws so that mutual consent is not required for marriage, which would allow the case of the 35-year-old marrying the 9-year-old. But it could happen. In fact, we have already crossed this line when it comes to abortion, as an unborn baby gives no consent to be killed because the mother finds it inconvenient.

    You say you have some "religious convictions" on the topic, and I think it'd be helpful for some to know what those are. They may not be "germane to the legal argument" but if they're germane to your life, I think they're relevant, and I'd like to hear them, if you have the time.

  4. Matt...Here they are, in I think the first paragraph

  5. Matt.. Sorry, its the first part of the second paragraph and a summary in the last paragraph
